Friday, March 16, 2012

We went back into her house and started on our project. We waited until her parents went to sleep and went back to the shed. “I think I'm going to name him Eric,” she said.
“Why Eric?” I asked.
“I don't know. He just looks like an Eric.” She pushed open the door and the first thing we saw was that the bowl of water was empty but all of the chicken was still there. It hadn't been touched. And Eric was nowhere to be seen. Presley stepped into the shed and started to look around.
“Eric,” she whispered as though the dog already knew his name even though she had just thought of it. She overturned boxes and looked through bins like he could have somehow crawled inside one. All I did was turn to my right and I found him. He was curled up on the seat of her dad's riding lawnmower and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how he had gotten up there.
“Presley,” I said. “He isn't breathing.”
Presley rushed over to him and put her hand on his back just to make sure. He wasn't. Eric was dead. She didn't say anything. I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't know what the appropriate level of emotion was for the situation. We hadn't known Eric long enough for him to make an impact on our lives. But he had lived a sad and unloved life and that was tragedy enough. I walked over to Presley and stood next to her.
She had her chin resting against her chest and tears were running down her face. “He just needed someone to care about him,” she said. “Just for one day he wanted to feel loved. Then he could die in peace.”
“Well, it's a good thing he chose you,” I said. Presley wiped her face.
“We need to give him a proper burial,” she said. So we did. We dug a hole behind her shed and buried Eric in it and she made a headstone with a permanent marker and a large rock we found. It read Eric ?-2003 he finally found love. I don't think her parents ever found out it was there. It's probably still there. Presley would periodically begin to cry over the next two weeks about Eric. She would ask me why I thought he didn't eat the chicken or why he felt the need to die on her dad's lawnmower. She told me that every time her dad mowed the lawn she felt nervous because now it had the curse of death on it and she really was scared that there would be a freak accident and her dad would die and wasn't that a terrible way to die? In a freak riding lawnmower accident?
So I haven't updated here in a while. Probably because I've been too busy watching Supernatural and writing fanfiction. But other than that, life has been strange lately. I'm finally getting used to life in the baby room. I still miss my old class but I'm starting to bond with my new kids. I'm only taking twelve hours and they're online at Vista so class is massively easy. Other than that...

Before 2012 I had never met any celebrities, much less celebrities that I actually gave a shit about. And between January 28th and March 10th, I met five. Five celebrities that I actually give a shit about.
Evan Peters.
Ryan Buell.
Frank Turner.
Chris Pontius.
Johnny Knoville.
Let me share something with you:

 I MET FUCKING JOHNNY KNOXVILLE. LIKE SERIOUSLY WTF. My longest standing celebrity crush. Literally the one celebrity I would want to meet above all others. Because love and I decided to be spontaneous and drive to Austin to try and find him. It wasn't an ideal situation because he was being rushed and we didn't get to tell him how much he meant to us or show him our tattoos, but still. 

I don't know what this means. I want to think that it means things are headed in a good direction for me this year. Like maybe this is the year. I bought my camera and love and I are already on our way to filming more. I've written a script for a short and I'm working on a script for a feature that we could film this summer. To be completely honest my brain in sort of fried at this point. I'm trying not to over analyze everything (or anything) but it's hard. I just want some sort of direction.
I know that I'm meant to be a writer. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. But what I don't know is how to get there. What road should I take? I sort of just want to throw my hands up and say "fuck it" but I can't. It means too much.

I hope that this feeling I have isn't just blue balls from the universe. Because that would suck massively.